Free delivery on orders over €80

You have 14 days from the date of receipt of your order to return your items to us for refund or credit. Note that damaged or worn jewels cannot be returned.

Here is how to proceed:

  • 1 - Make your online return request via your Account / My returns or via this page.
  • 2 - Paste the pre-paid return label that will be sent to you by email on your package and drop it in the post office of your choice.

For each return from a European Union country, we deduct a flat-rate amount of €2.5 from the refund value. This deduction covers part of the processing and handling costs associated with returning products.

Returns via our returns portal are not possible for countries outside the EU. This is therefore entirely at the customer's expense.

You will be informed by email as soon as we have received your return. Once received, the team will open the packages one by one, which may take a little time. Please give the team one week to come back to you.

You will receive an email to notify you once the refund is made. Esteem up to 40 business days maximum to allow our payment agency to make the payment.

Note that the refund of an order paid with a gift card or a credit note, will be made automatically through a credit note.