Free delivery on orders over €80

A confirmation email will be sent to you, along with your order number and the summary of your shopping cart. If you have not received this email, please check under your account. Your order is validated from the moment you see it appear in your “My account/My orders”. If this tab is empty, please contact us at

The estimated delivery time varies depending on the destination of your package. However, the parcel reception time can be estimated as follows:

  • Standard delivery in Europe: 2 to 5 business days.
  • Express delivery in Europe: 1 to 2 business days.
  • Worldwide standard delivery: 3 to 5 business days.

Shipping costs vary depending on the chosen delivery method (standard or express) as well as the destination of your order.

In the case of a standard delivery, shipping costs are offered from 80€. Below this amount, standard delivery costs between €7 and €10 for Europe. For the rest of the world, standard delivery can be up to €12.

Nothing easier! Go to the My account / My orders area. The tracking number of your package will be provided. In addition, you will be informed by email about the shipment and progress of your order.

You can add or remove items from your cart as long as your order is not validated. Once your order is placed, you will have to cancel it in its entirety if you want to modify an item.

Once your order is confirmed, you have one hour to cancel it. To do so, send an email to Over one hour, you will only be able to return the items for refund once your package has been received, within 14 days.

We invite you to contact our Customer Service at To any problem its solution!

We invite you to contact us at Unfortunately, if your package has not been claimed at the pickup point or is returned to us due to an incomplete address, it will be sent back to you at your own expense.

An error in your order? No worries, we invite you to contact our Customer Service at

Don't forget to attach photos of the received package to your message! This will help us to offer you the best possible solution.

Our mission is to satisfy you. If, despite all our quality controls, your jewel has a small defect, we invite you to contact our Customer Service at

Don’t forget to include photos of your defective item with your message! This will help us offer you the best possible solution.