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DISHES ? We'll leave that to our darling.

We take care of our MYA BAY, we pamper them and we polish them! But how do we do that ?

1) You are naturally beautiful! Perfume and cosmetics are the enemies of our jewels so we apply the saying "a smile is the best make-up a girl can wear".

2) Don't take yourself for a mermaid. We know that water doesn't mix well with costume jewels so we wipe them off after a dip in fresh water and we avoid prolonged swimming in the sea, and we banish our jewels from swimming pools !

3) Speaking of cleaning, we leave it to our darling because household products can damage your jewels and your pretty fingers too !

4) We use and abuse dance, yoga and skydiving! But without our MYA BAY because sweat attacks calories but jewels too.

5) Just like us, jewels sometimes need a rest. So remember to store your jewels in their original box to protect them from air and humidity.

For the rest, enjoy, shop, dance until the end of the night and laugh (a lot) !

Psst: to prevent your chains from getting tangled, leave the clasp outside of the box. It is through the ends that the disaster happens.