Natural stones

The power of natural stone
If you have already fallen for our DIWALI CRYSTAL and DANCING CRYSTAL necklaces with their white quartz, expect to be crazy about Agate, Amethyst, Amazonite... Sophie introduces you to new stones and new ways to wear them. Rings, earrings and bracelets, the colors will be there this summer!
Are you excited to wear them and mix them? But what will these stones do for you? How to take care of them? How to recharge them and find all their virtues?
Let's go for a Lithotherapy course ! (Yes, that's how we call the study of natural stones 😉)
Linked to your heart: peace, friendship & love
You may already have rose quartz in your bathroom in Jade or Gua Sha roll. This stone refers to love and is linked to the heart. In Greek mythology, it is even said to come from Aphrodite, goddess of love, desire and beauty. Even the darkest of hearts will find the wisdom to forgive, receive and give love.
Benefits ? Rose Quartz brings peace, love and friendship. This stone helps to forgive and respect others as well as oneself. Wearing a rose quartz will reunite love and calm.
Physical health ? Skin, lungs, heart, sleep.
Spiritual level ? Love, security, comfort, tenderness, affection, kindness, tolerance, attentive listening and inner peace
Related astrological sign ? ♉ Taurus and ♋ Cancer
How to purify your stone ? Immerse the rose quartz in a bowl of distilled salt water for a few hours (at least once a week if the stone is worn daily)
How to recharge your stone ? Expose the stone for a few hours under the sun or the moon
No more problems, just LOVE
The color of this stone can vary from pale pink to fuchsia pink. The pink Agate hides many virtues in terms of emotional relationships. It is recommended that you keep the stone in contact with your skin for a long time in order to get the most out of it. WEAR IT EVERYDAY !
Benefits ? Pink Agate will help you find solutions to all your problems. It encourages love and stimulates creativity. It will bring you the comfort you need.
Physical health ? Good general health and detoxification of the body
Spiritual level ? Creativity, comfort, self-love and love for others.
Related astrological sign ? ♏ Scorpio
How to purify your stone ? Clean the stone for a few seconds under running water and then place it for a few minutes in a bowl filled with slightly salty water
How to recharge your stone ? Expose the stone to sunlight for several hours when it is not too strong
To you wisdom, humility and creativity
This stone is considered the queen of lithotherapy by its beauty and its powers. Its name means "sober". It is very common to heat this stone to modify its color.
Benefits ? Amethyst is the stone of wisdom and humility. It will help you to develop your creativity, your imagination and favors meditation. It contains a great power of purification.
Physical health ? Back, neck, shoulders, peaceful sleep, sweet dreams and protection for the memory and heart.
Spiritual level ? Wisdom, knowledge, inspiration, creativity, imagination and innovative spirit.
Related astrological sign ? ♒ Aquarius ,♎ Libra and ♑ Capricorn
How to purify your stone ? Clean the stone with spring water, salt, earth or incense
How to recharge your stone ? In the light of the moon, on a mass of quartz
A protection that attracts good energies
The Turquoise stone acts as a shield to protect the person wearing it. It drives away negativity, bad luck and attracts good energies. Turquoise needs water to form. In the past, this stone was used as medicine by the Indians. It was called a healing stone.
Benefits ? Turquoise stone increases empathy, communication and listening. This stone strengthens friendship. It will help you to fight against fatigue and to find a restful sleep.
Physical health ? Immune system, lungs, cramps. Turquoise accelerates recovery after sport or injury. To be placed directly on the forehead in case of headaches.
Spiritual Plan ? Creativity, spontaneity, abundance, communication, expression of feelings, emotions.
Related astrological sign ? ♐ Sagittarius
How to purify your stone ? Immerse the stone in unsalted distilled water for a few hours
How to recharge your stone ? Leave the stone a whole night under the light of the moon
Tenderness, softness and serenity
Its name comes from the Amazon River, where it was first discovered. Its color varies between green and blue. In Mesopotamia, this stone was associated with Tiamat, the goddess of the oceans and salt water. It was used as protection by the Amazonian warriors. SO GIRL POWER!
Benefits ? Amazonite has the same benefits as Turquoise stone and brings tenderness. It soothes and will offer you softness and sincerity in your love exchanges.
Physical health ? Immune system, bones, teeth and hair
Spiritual level ? Serenity and removes all forms of negative thoughts
Related astrological sign ? ♍ Virgo and ♓ Pisces
How to purify your stone ? Immerse the stone for several hours in demineralized water
How to recharge your stone ? Charge it in the sunlight
Brings you calm, relaxation, creativity and strength of decision
You may be familiar with black onyx, but this stone can have many colors. At MYA-BAY, we've fallen for the green stone, which can go from apple green to dark green. It goes very well with rose quartz to get the most out of their virtues.
Benefits ? The green onyx brings calm, appeasement and relaxation. RELAX, wear a onyx! It helps to express creativity, have more self-confidence and make decisions.
Physical health ? Teeth, nails, skin, hair, bones, nervous system, heart...
Spiritual level ? Confidence, communication, concentration, sympathy, compassion, romanticism and courage.
Astrological sign related ? ♌ Leo
How to purify your stone ? Rinse your green onyx with clear water
How to recharge your stone ? Leave your stone in the sun or moonlight
Listening to your emotions and your body: health and balance guaranteed
The color of this stone can vary from very light brown to dark brown. Black quartz is the stone of responsibility and centering. It was used by fortune tellers to protect their divination balls.
Benefits ? Black quartz helps to calm strong emotions and to think better. This stone brings you joy and refocuses your energies on accessible objectives. It allows you to better listen to your body and thus keep health and balance.
Physical health ? Lungs, muscles, kidneys, pancreas
Spiritual level ? Serenity and fusion of your strengths with those of your environment
Related astrological sign ? ♈ Aries and ♊ Gemini
How to purify your stone ? Clean your stone with clear water or salt water
How to recharge your stone ? With sunlight or a cluster of quartz
Which stones will you fall for ?
At MYA—BAY, we love to accumulate them and create COLORFUL Mix & Match! It's up to you to create your own and attract a maximum of good energy with your natural stone jewelry !
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